« Sections

Cell Analysis Section


Since the Cell Analysis Section is part of the Hungarian Biophysical Society, its bylaws are identical to the bylaws of the Hungarian Biophysical Society.

Mission statement of the Cell Analysis Section

The Cell Analysis Section of the Hungarian Biophysical Society organizes the activity of those members of the Hungarian Biophysical Society who carry out the investigation of living cells with biophysical and quantitative cell biological methods including flow and imaging cytometry (confocal microscopy, high resolution optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy).

The Cell Analysis Section gives top priority to the support of those Hungarian scientists who work in the aforementioned fields with special attention paid to young researchers whose national and international representation is promoted within the framework of the Hungarian Biophysical Society.

Members of the Cell Analysis Section are in contact with similar Hungarian, European and international societies and with other sections of the Hungarian Biophysical Society. The most important partners of the Cell Analysis Section are the Clinical Flow Cytometry Section formed within the framework of the Hungarian Society of Laboratory Medicine and the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC). The importance of the latter cooperation is underlined by the fact that ISAC recognizes the Cell Analysis Section as an “ISAC-associated Society”.
The Cell Analysis Section organizes conferences and symposia on a regular basis and supports other conferences within its field of interest by organizing scientific sessions.