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Jedlovszky-Hajdú Angéla

az alábbi absztraktok szerzői között szerepel:

Budavári Bálint
Development of liposomal corticosteroids

Aug 30 - szerda

09:40 – 09:55

Membránok és membránfehérjék biofizikája


Development of liposomal corticosteroids

Bálint Budavári1, Áron Karancsi1, Balázs Gábor Pinke2, Éva Pállinger3, Krisztina Juriga-Tóth1, Márton Király4, Zsófia Szász3, István Voszka5, Kolos Molnár2, László Kőhidai3Angela Jedlovszky-Hajdu1, Krisztina S. Nagy1

1Laboratory of Nanochemistry, Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Semmelweis University, Nagyvárad tér 4., H-1089 Budapest, Hungary

2Department of Polymer Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3-9., H-1111, Budapest, Hungary

3Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University, Nagyvárad tér 4., H-1089 Budapest, Hungary

4Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Semmelweis University, Hőgyes Endre u. 7., H-1092 Budapest, Hungary

5Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University, Tűzoltó u. 37-47., H-1094 Budapest, Hungary

Introduction Liposomes are nanoscale drug delivery systems that offer many pharmacokinetic advantages. Corticosteroids as lipophilic active agents integrate into the lipid bilayer. This novel approach can improve the efficacy of several anti-inflammatory therapies.

Aims Our goals were to create long-term stable liposomes, which can incorporate and release corticosteroids at inflamed body temperature. Considering the possible future application in asthma therapy, we also aimed at reaching high entrapment efficacy (EE%) and slight drug leakage of the vesicles.

Methods 2 kinds of liposomes were prepared from 3 different phospholipids by thin layer hydration method and subsequent extrusion to get small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs). Prednisolone (Pred) and budesonide (Bud) were used as active agents. Stability tests were executed by dynamic light scattering while EE% was determined by size-exclusion gel chromatography. The effect of liposomal drugs on cell viability was measured on EBC-1 human lung carcinoma cells. The internalization of the liposomes was studied by flow cytometry (FC) and confocal microscopy (CM).

Results SUVs with 100 nm in diameter were successfully prepared. Their hydrodynamic diameter has remained in the desired range through 6 months in case of the vast majority of the samples. It turned out that the presence of corticosteroid has a bigger impact on stability, than its type. The EE% was exceptionally high in both cases (above 90%) and the drug leakage was 35-40% for Pred and 6-8% for Bud in the first 30 min. Neither the free corticosteroids nor their liposomal form affected significantly the cell viability. CM images and FC results proved equally the internalization of the vesicles by the cells.

Conclusion We have successfully created corticosteroid-loaded liposomes with long-term stability and excellent EE% due to the lipophilic character of the applied drugs. Furthermore, they are not toxic and can be internalized by the investigated pulmonary cells.


NKFIH FK 137749, NKFIH FK 138501, Semmelweis 250+ Excellence PhD Scholarship, EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00009, TKP2021-EGA-23, TKP2021-EGA-24, TKP2021-EGA/TKP2021-NVA/TKP2021-NKTA

Halmóczki Sarolta
A comprehensive review of various metal-containing nanoparticles in terms of their antibacterial effect and cytotoxic properties

Aug 29 - kedd

15:30 – 17:00

I. Poszterszekció


A comprehensive review of various metal-containing nanoparticles in terms of their antibacterial effect and cytotoxic properties

Sarolta Halmóczki, Angéla Jedlovszky-Hajdú

Laboratory of Nanochemistry, Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Semmelweis University

One of the main reasons, why the healing of chronic wounds is highly challenging is the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria. These wounds usually cannot be treated effectively with conventional antibiotics, therefore, alternative methods and agents are investigated to replace them. [1] [2] In this regard, metal nanoparticles (MeNPs) could be promising substances, because they possess significant antimicrobial activity, with the advantage that bacteria are unlikely to develop resistance against them. [3] On the other hand, application of MeNPs may be challenging, since their toxic effect against microorganisms is not selective, and they additionally carry cytotoxic effect. [2] Numerous research articles have been published, which examine the potential of using different MeNPs for wound healing applications. However, it would be invaluable to have a review article that compares the antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties of the most promising MeNPs.

More than 50 scientific articles have been studied, regarding the wound healing potential of silver, gold, copper-, iron- and zinc containing nanoparticles. In the comparison, the main focus was on the antimicrobial activity and cytotoxic effect. Numerous types of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was treated with metal nanoparticles. In most of the cases, MeNPs were not on their own, rather in a hydrogel, or along with other agents, such as traditional antibiotics. Cytotoxicity was tested on various malignant and normal cell lines. Several cytotoxicity-reducing methods were exhibited, but in general, the effect of the MeNPs is dose-, shape- and size-dependent, but exposition time and the exact cell line used are also not negligible factors.


This research was supported by NKFIH FK 137749


[1] C. Liao, Y. Li, S.C. Tjong, Bactericidal and cytotoxic properties of silver nanoparticles, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20 (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20020449.

[2] N. Naderi, D. Karponis, A. Mosahebi, A.M. Seifalian, Nanoparticles in wound healing; from hope to promise, from promise to routine, Front. Biosci. - Landmark. 23 (2018) 1038–1059. https://doi.org/10.2741/4632.

[3] L. Wang, C. Hu, L. Shao, The antimicrobial activity of nanoparticles: Present situation and prospects for the future, Int. J. Nanomedicine. 12 (2017) 1227–1249. https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S121956.

Pálos Veronika
Salt loaded fibrous meshes from polysuccinimide for medical applications

Aug 29 - kedd

15:30 – 17:00

I. Poszterszekció


Salt loaded fibrous meshes from polysuccinimide for medical applications

Veronika Pálos1, Judit Domokos2, Dóra Szabó2, Ákos Zsembery3, Rita Pázmány1, Krisztina S.-Nagy1, Angéla Jedlovszky-Hajdú1

1 Laboratory of Nanochemistry, Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Semmelweis University

2 Institute of Medical Microbiology, Semmelweis University

3 Institute of Oralbiology, Semmelweis University

Silver is increasingly being pushed out of medicine, and other ions with antibacterial effect are coming to the forefront. This is because since silver ions have huge environmental burden.

The aim of my research is to create a bicomponent polymer network by electrospinning, which contains zinc and strontium salts in addition to the polymer, which according to the literature, have antibacterial properties. If such a new type of biocompatible wound dressing could be created, not only would be a mechanical barrier to infection but also have antibacterial activity against microorganisms.

The first step was to synthesize the polymer, then mix it with the selected inorganic salts in dimethylformamide, and then optimize the electrostatic fiber formation parameters. The inorganic salts used in the experiments were Zn(O2CCH3)2 and Sr(NO3)2. Next, the chemical and mechanical properties of the complete polymer networks were investigated by FTIR spectroscopy, SEM images, and their mechanical behavior through specific load capacity. In the next step, I investigated the antibacterial effect of polymer networks containing inorganic salts on four different bacterial species.

Based on FTIR spectroscopy, the salts formed a physical bond with polysuccinimide, but there was no chemical bonding between them. SEM of a polymer mesh containing inorganic salts showed a big difference between the fiber diameters in the presence of the salts. However, no difference was found in their specific load capacity. In antibacterial experiments, a more significant clearance zone appeared for the polymer containing Zn(O2CCH3)2, and a lesser inhibition zone for those containing Sr(NO3)2 salts. The next step was to find out if the polymer meshes with the salts have cytotoxic activity against human tumor and fibroblast cells, because these fibrous structures are going to use as wound dressing, so they must interact with the human cells.


The work was supported by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office FK137749 and TKP 2021-EGA-23.