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Deli Mária

az alábbi absztraktok szerzői között szerepel:

Fekete Tamás
Measuring binding force between glutathione-functionalized microtools and blood brain barrier cells with optical tweezer

Aug 28 - szerda

13:30 – 15:30

II. Poszterszekció


Measuring binding force between glutathione-functionalized microtools and blood brain barrier cells with optical tweezer

Tamás Fekete, Mária Mészáros, Gergő Porkoláb, Szilvia Veszelka, Mária Deli, Lóránd Kelemen

Institute of Biophysics, Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Temesvári krt. 62, H-6726 Szeged, Hungary

In this work functionalized and optically actuated microstructures are used to study the adhesion between cell membrane-associated proteins and their ligands. Literature indicates that such proteins from the solute carrier transporter family can be effectively used in the active transport of drugs to the brain through cells forming the blood brain barrier (BBB). Mészáros and co-workers found if transporter protein ligands, such as alanine, D-glucose or glutathione are mounted on the surface of niosomes encapsulating the drug to be delivered, the uptake rate into the BBB cells increases (Mészáros et al. 2018). In this study we characterize ligand binding by measuring the force between these ligands, immobilized covalently on the optically actuated microstructures and the BBB’s component cells. The complex-shaped microstructures (Aekbote et al 2016) were made by two-photon polymerization and equipped with a flat end of variable surface area that interacts with the cell membrane. The ligand-coated structures are pressed against the cells, grown on a vertical support, and when retracted, the rupture force is measured. Since optical tweezers can exert lower forces that an AFM cantilever, these experiments can elucidate finer interactions responsible for the ligand binding to the BBB cells surface.


Mészáros M, Porkoláb G, Kiss L et al. Niosomes decorated with dual ligands targeting brain endothelial transporters increase cargo penetration across the blood-brain barrier, Eur J Pharm Sci, 123:228–240, 2018, doi.org/10.1016/j.ejps.2018.07.042

Aekbote BL, Fekete T, Jacak J, Vizsnyiczai G, Ormos P, and Kelemen L, Surface-modified complex SU-8 microstructures for indirect optical manipulation of single cells, Biomed Optics Express, 7:45-56, 2016, doi.org/10.1364/BOE.7.000045